Rhinoplasty Surgery in Kensington London

Rhinoplasty Surgery in Kensington London

rhinoplasty surgery in kensington london

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Best Plastic Surgeons in Kensington london UK, Expert, well trusted and world-recognized surgeon for Rhinoplasty In London and Turkey. Achieve Natural Looking Results, Same-day surgery, less swelling, speedy recovery. Naturally looking nose, Make an appointment online Rhinoplasty (nose job) Specialists in London rhinoplasty surgery Find and compare Nosejob Rhinoplasty clinics in London Kensington Compare products, reviews and prices.

Rhinoplasty can be preferred for many different reasons, these may be aesthetic concerns, a natural deformity, deformation as a result of trauma or functional problems such as respiratory problems. As a result of your search for England London Kensington rhinoplasty prices, it would be good to take a look at the details about rhinoplasty surgery. Nose surgery is performed to obtain the desired appearance by shaping the bone, cartilage and skin of the nose. During the procedure, the nasal bones and cartilages can be reshaped, the back of the nose is corrected and thinned, the tip of the nose or nostrils are shaped, and the proportion between the nose and other facial features can be achieved.


    Reshaping and fixing the irregularities of the nose.


    2-3 hours

    Hospital Stay

    1 night


    General Anesthesia

    Nosejob kensington london UK

    Rhinoplasty usually aims to increase the balance, symmetry and harmony of the face. This surgery can help the person to change the shape of the nose as desired and achieve a more aesthetic appearance. In addition, rhinoplasty can also be used to eliminate breathing problems by correcting intranasal structures. Temporary conditions such as swelling, bruising and mild discomfort may be seen after rhinoplasty. Natural Rhinoplasty in London When the healing process is completed, the person can have a more balanced and harmonious nose appearance. It is important for rhinoplasty candidates to realistically evaluate their expectations and the surgical process.

    How is London Kensington Rhinoplasty Surgery Performed?

    Anaesthesia Rhinoplasty in Kensington London is usually performed under general anaesthetic, allowing the patient to sleep and not feel any pain or discomfort. In some cases, local anaesthesia and sedation may also be used.

    Making the Incisions: Rhinoplasty surgery in Kensington London begins with incisions, which are usually located inside or on the inner edges of the nostrils. This is called “closed rhinoplasty”. In some cases, a small incision may also be made on the skin between the nostrils in what is known as an “open rhinoplasty”.

    Shaping the structures: After the incisions are made, the surgeon can reshape the nasal bone and cartilage. The nasal bone is corrected, especially in patients with nasal dorsum or curvature. The cartilages are shaped in areas such as the tip of the nose or the back of the nose.

    Skin Reshaping: After the structures are sculpted, the skin can be reorganised to fit the nasal structures. The skin is repositioned to create a better contour on the nose, and excess skin and fat tissue can be removed if necessary.

    Sutures and Bandages: After the surgery is finished, the incisions are closed with sutures and a soft bandage or cast may be applied to provide support to the nose. These bandages and stitches are usually removed after a few days or weeks. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed individually using various techniques depending on the surgeon’s skills and the patient’s wishes. The duration and details of the operation may vary according to the procedures to be performed, the patient’s anatomy and the surgeon’s preferences.

    Who are the optimal candidates for rhinoplasty?

    Determining who is an optimal candidate for rhinoplasty requires a personalized assessment, as each individual’s situation and goals are unique. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you understand if this procedure might be right for you. Here are some key factors:

    Physical Health:

    • Facial Growth Completion: Generally, optimal candidates are adults whose facial growth is complete. This typically occurs around 18 years old for females and 23 years old for males.
    • Overall Good Health: You should be in good overall physical health with no major medical conditions that could increase surgical risks. This includes having healthy lungs and being free from active infections.
    • Non-Smoking: Smoking can significantly hinder healing and increase complications, making it a risk factor for candidacy.

    Psychological Well-being:

    • Realistic Expectations: It’s crucial to have realistic expectations about what rhinoplasty can achieve. It’s not about achieving a perfect nose, but about making improvements that align with your natural features and suit your overall facial harmony.
    • Positive Outlook: A positive and realistic outlook on the surgery and recovery process is important. This includes being prepared for potential risks and setbacks.
    • Emotional Stability: You should be in a stable emotional state and making this decision for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or expectations.

    Specific Concerns:

    • Functional Issues: Rhinoplasty can address functional problems beyond aesthetics, such as breathing difficulties caused by a deviated septum.
    • Cosmetic Concerns: If you’re self-conscious about the size, shape, or proportion of your nose and it significantly impacts your self-esteem, rhinoplasty might be an option.


    • This information is intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.
    • The best way to determine your candidacy for rhinoplasty is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can assess your individual situation, discuss your goals, and provide personalized recommendations.

    It’s important to be thorough and honest with your surgeon about your medical history, expectations, and motivations. They will help you understand the risks and benefits of the procedure and determine if it’s the right choice for you.

    People who are usually in good health and do not currently have any serious medical conditions in order to minimise the risks of the operation.
    Rhinoplasty is performed usually after puberty, when the full development of the nose is completed, i.e. from the age of 18.
    They should be able to understand and accept the results of rhinoplasty surgery with realistic expectations. They should be open to the recommendations of the surgeon and receive accurate information about the potential consequences of the surgery in preoperative counselling.
    Ideal candidates are people who are uncomfortable with the shape, size or proportion of their nose. They may have aesthetic concerns, want their nose to be more in harmony with their face, or want to correct a natural deformity.
    Rhinoplasty can be performed to correct functional problems in some occasions. People with anatomical disorders such as bone curvature that cause nasal congestion or breathing problems may benefit from rhinoplasty surgery. Since each individual’s condition is different, the ideal candidate criteria may vary from one person to another. That is why it is important to consult a plastic surgeon to determine whether you are the best candidate for rhinoplasty surgery. As a result of your search for Ankara rhinoplasty prices, it would be good to take a look at the details about rhinoplasty surgery. The surgeon will evaluate your previous medical history, understand your expectations and offer you the most appropriate treatment plan.

    How can you make your nose smaller?

    There are two main approaches to making your nose appear smaller: surgical and non-surgical. It’s important to understand the limitations and potential risks of each before considering any option.

    Surgical options:

    • Rhinoplasty: This is the only way to permanently alter the size and shape of your nose. It involves reshaping the underlying bone and cartilage. It’s a serious surgical procedure with risks and potential complications, so it’s crucial to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon and carefully consider the decision.
    • Non-surgical rhinoplasty: This involves injecting fillers like hyaluronic acid to subtly alter the nose’s shape and contour. It’s a less invasive option but temporary, requiring repeat injections over time. It’s still important to consult a qualified professional for this procedure.

    Non-surgical options:

    • Makeup: Contouring techniques using light and shadow with concealer, bronzer, and highlighter can create an illusion of a slimmer nose. This is a non-invasive and temporary option, but requires practice and skill.
    • Hairstyles: Strategic styling like bangs or volume on top can draw attention away from the nose and balance facial proportions. However, this depends on your overall facial structure and desired look.

    Important notes:

    • Be wary of unproven methods and home remedies: There’s no scientific evidence to support claims about making your nose smaller with methods like ice, exercises, or topical products. These can be ineffective or even harmful.
    • Focus on self-acceptance: It’s important to remember that beauty is subjective and embracing your unique features is often the most empowering choice. Consider if pursuing a smaller nose is truly for you or influenced by societal expectations.

    Ultimately, the best way to determine what approach, if any, is right for you is to consult a qualified healthcare professional. They can assess your individual situation, discuss your goals, and provide personalized advice based on your health and desired outcome.

    Depending on the technique used, rhinoplasty can be undertaken through external or interior incisions. The surgeon will reorganise the treatment of both the bone and nasal cartilage to address both functional and aesthetic concerns. The shape of the nostrils can be adjusted to fit the new round shape of the nose. After the necessary changes are made intraoperatively, the incisions are closed with sutures.

    The cost of a nose job in the UK can be quite expensive, especially in London. We offer cheap packages for short stay procedure trips in Turkey

    Nose Surgery Techniques London

    Various rhinoplasty procedures are available, including

    • Closed rhinoplasty
    • Open rhinoplasty
    • Revision rhinoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty-tip
    • Septo-rhinoplasty
    • Conservative rhinoplasty

    The choice of technique depends on the patient’s needs, expectations and their medical history. A full consultation process is equired to determine the most appropriate rhinoplasty technique. A close examination of the physical condition of the nose combined with the patient’s medical information is essential to achieve the best and most functional rhinoplasty results. The outcome can range from nose reduction or nose reshaping to nasal cartilage surgery for a better breathing experience.

    How much does nose surgery cost in Turkey?

    When considering rhinoplasty costs, it is important to remember that a surgeon’s fee is determined by several factors, including the level of expertise through various degrees of specialisation, the type of procedure and the location of the centre where the procedure will be performed. However, the cost of rhinoplasty is not limited to what the surgeon charges; other expenses such as anaesthetic fees, facility fees and medication costs are also vital.
    Depending on your circumstances, additional costs such as pre-operative tests or post-operative care may also be associated with the procedure. It is important to discuss all factors with your surgeon and carefully consider the likely costs and benefits of the procedure. This will help you make an informed decision and ensure that you are fully prepared for the financial liability of rhinoplasty.

    Type of ProcedureOUR CLINICCost UKCost EUCost US
    Rhinoplasty£3,000 – £4,000£8,000 – £12,000€9,500 – €14,000$10,000 – $15,000

    Steps of Rhinoplasty Treatment in Clinic Baytekin

    Klinik Baytekin provides an excellent medical experience for patients seeking rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey. Klinik Baytekin arranges all the necessary details including accommodation, meals, medications, assistance, consultations and check-ups to provide international patients with the highest possible comfort on their rhinoplasty journey.

    The rhinoplasty procedure usually takes a few days:

    Day 1: Patients arrive at the hospital for pre-operative tests and have a detailed consultation with Dr Çaghan Baytekin, Turkey’s top rhinoplasty surgeon, to discuss all aspects of the nose surgery. The surgery takes approximately 1-3 hours depending on the specific condition of the patient. Patients stay in the hospital for the first night.
    2-3. Day: Patients are discharged from the hospital and taken to their designated accommodation. After the rhinoplasty surgery, the first controls are made and the necessary medications are provided.
    4-5. Day 4-5: Patients can rest in their accommodation.
    Day 6: The surgeon performs a second check and prescribes the necessary medications for the patient to return to his/her country. Dressings, pads and sutures are removed and a nasal bandage is applied to reduce swelling.
    Day 7: Patients are collected from their accommodation and dropped off at the airport for their flight home.


    Why Choose Turkey for Rhinoplasty?

    Turkey is ranked among the best destinations for patients who want to have rhinoplasty. Expert and successful doctors as well as affordable prices make rhinoplasty in Turkey more and more attractive.

    Although it is becoming increasingly attractive to have rhinoplasty in Turkey, travelling to other countries for rhinoplasty can remain daunting for patients. However, the observance of hygiene rules in Turkey, the use of modern medical treatments, the presence of doctors and patient support services who speak the same language as you, and the availability of all-inclusive treatment options make patients who come to Turkey feel at home. As a result, Turkey is one of the preferred locations for rhinoplasty centres.

    What are the Differences Between Closed and Open Rhinoplasty?

    Open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty refer to two different surgical approaches used in rhinoplasty operations.

    Open Rhinoplasty:

    Open rhinoplasty is a more traditional approach to rhinoplasty surgery.
    During the procedure, a smaller incision is made between the nostrils and the nasal skin is lifted, making the nasal skeleton and cartilages clearly visible.
    The surgeon can better assess the shape and structures of the nose and shape it with greater precision.
    This method can enable more controls in complex or revision (correction of a previous surgery) rhinoplasty cases.
    Open a rhinoplasty can often require a longer recovery period and may require careful postoperative care.

    Closed Rhinoplasty:

    Closed rhinoplasty is a more novel approach and is a minimally invasive procedure.
    During the procedure, excisions are made on the inside of the nostrils, so it does not leave a scar visible from the outside.
    The nasal skeleton and cartilages are shaped by accessing through the nostrils.
    The surgical surgeon has a more limited view of the nasal structure and the procedure can be less invasive.
    Closed nose rhinoplasty is often associated with a shorter recovery time and with less swelling and bruising.
    This method may be preferable in simpler rhinoplasty cases.
    The choice choice between open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty depends on the individual patient’s condition and the surgeon’s preference. Both techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages. Your surgeon will make an assessment to determine the most suitable method for you and advise you about it before surgery.

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