Breast Reduction In Men


Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the man boobs (breast). It does not cause to any health hazard. It can only be the indication of any different disorder that may threaten health in some circumstances. Gynecomastia often causes social and psychological problems. Gynecomastia is a difficult problem to improve with sports and regimen.

There are three main types: glandular, mixed and lipomatous types. The actual breast tissue provides the growth in the glandular type. The increase in fat tissue can occur in the lipomatous type. There is the increase both in breast tissue and in fat tissue in the mixed state.


Liposuction, i.e. the methods of the removal of excess fat and the mammary gland, is the most appropriate techniques as a surgical treatment method. In the recent years, both the fat tissue is removed and the breast skin is tightened with laser lipolysis. These treatment methods vary according to the examination findings of the breast. Good results are obtained with liposuction method in patients with excessive amount of fat tissue in his breast tissue. The breast tissue may need to be removed with liposuction for the patients with the excess of fat tissue and mammary gland. If there is an excess of fat and breast tissue along with the skin, it is necessary to remove the fat and breast tissue and the excess of the skin at the same time. The patient must wear a corset for 1 month in both two techniques.

Laser liposuction methods are also recently popular among the gynecomastia surgery procedures. The patient can go home after the surgery and start work after 2 days, continuing his daily life.


Breast growth in men can be soft (lipomatous) or hard (glandular). Breast size may vary. It is likely possible to remove fat tissue, break down the fibrous tissue (breast tissue) and recover the drooping breast skin with laser lipolysis.

Laser lipolysis is warming up and destructing fat cells with laser rays. This process also breaks down the connective tissue and collagen, which have lost the elasticity, and increases the formation of young connective tissue and collagen. Laser lipolysis, which is a very innovative treatment in body shaping applications, is being used effectively in the treatment of regional fat deposition and skin sagging. As the incision is between 1-2 mm in the application performed even in the clinic, there is a slight scar after surgery. The patient can immediately return to work or social life after laser lipolysis procedure. One of the advantages of laser lipolysis is that it provides short-term healing and the short duration of the bandaging.

Laser lipolysis and gynecomastia therapy are scarless while the healing process is extremely rapid and satisfactory for the patients especially in cases where the size of the breast is not too large, the fat tissue is richer and skin sagging does not require the surgery

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