Rhinoplasty After Fracture


During the developmental stages such as childhood and adolescence, nasal impacts and traumas can lead to deformities of the nose at later ages. Sports injuries, especially during adolescence, disrupt the structure of the nose and cause the nasal bone to form a curvature. The nasal structure of the people of our country generally has a large and bony structure. Therefore, the nasal curvature is more frequently seen and the cases of the broken nose are mostly encountered. Curvatures are sometimes not visible and are determined through examination. Like all bone fractures, nasal fractures also cause both functional problems and deformities and require treatment.


The other causes of the curved and broken nose can be listed as follows: Congenital curvature, traffic accidents, improper surgeries, some secondary surgeries, deformities seen after medical procedures… Patients with this type of disorder, curved nose, have also difficulty in breathing. The person’s life is directly and indirectly affected from the inability to breathe healthily. Breathing comfortably at sleep, and sleeping well in quality are serious obstacles to sports. The inability to breathe comfortably affects one’s mood and causes self-confidence crisis. Therefore, both the curvature and the collapse are corrected and the airway is opened through an intervention to be done with rhinoplasty procedure. An experienced physician who will do the intervention will definitely do planning by taking them into consideration.


The nasal skeleton consists of the septum we call midpost, the lateral nasal bones, and the lower and upper nasal cartilages. Fractures or curvatures in these structures lead to the shape of the nose to change. In particular, fractures or curvatures in the septal cartilage, which are not visible from the outside, can lead to both deformities and serious breathing problems.


The missing parts are completed by repairing the regions showing any deformity in the treatment. The curvatures of the septum and lateral nasal bones are corrected with special techniques. The extent of the curvature or fracture of the nose is important. The patient does not feel ache or pain in the operation performed under general anesthesia. The operation will be completed in 2-3 hours. The patient becomes discharged after 1 day. There is no scar on the outside of the nose, because intranasal intervention is made. The postoperative bruise disappears within 7 days. Loss of swelling occurs at the end of two weeks. It takes 3 to 6 months to fully heal the nose. As these procedures have been done, the patient is now getting smoother and better breathing The patient breathes comfortably in the sleep, enjoys doing sports and regains her/his self-confidence

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